Happy New Year! Winter Farm Update

It is winter on the farm!  The new year came in on the heels of a large snowfall for this area.  At least 12 inches of the white stuff blanketed the farm, creating a beautiful landscape.  Greenhouses had to be cleared off so that they wouldn’t collapse under the weight of the snow, but otherwise, it has been slow around here.

Normally at this time of year, we are in rest and restore mode.  There aren’t many daily tasks to do around the farm, though we do have a project list when the weather and our energy permits.  It is also the time when we place our seed orders for the upcoming season.  Overall, it is a pretty slow time, but the work of a new season is just around the corner.

In just a few short weeks, we will start digging the beds in our greenhouses that will eventually hold the first salad greens of the spring (ready in April).  We’ll also sow the first our seeds at the beginning of February and these will become the first small plants that will be transplanted into the field in late March or early April.

Big thanks to our 2021 apprentices: Valentina, Hannah, Emily, Ali & Ethan!!!

We are also currently interviewing for our new crew of apprentices who will arrive at the farm at the beginning of May. Each year, we enjoy getting to know a new cohort while helping them on their journeys as they help tend these fields. Applicants generally find us on ATTRA – the main listing service for internships in organic and sustainable agriculture. If you have someone in your life who might be interested, please pass this along. We are proud of our well-rounded program that involves learning the art and discipline of tending the field enhanced by weekly classes that guide newcomers through all the steps to start their own project in the future.

We wish you well in the new year and can’t wait to share delicious salad greens with you very soon!  Cheers!! ~ Lisa

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